Discover the Latest Innovations in Data, Cloud, Blockchain, and Web2/Web3 Infrastructure.

Discover the Latest Innovations in Data, Cloud, Blockchain, and Web2/Web3 Infrastructure.

Discover the Latest Innovations in Data, Cloud, Blockchain, and Web2/Web3 Infrastructure.

Discover the Latest Innovations in Data, Cloud, Blockchain, and Web2/Web3 Infrastructure.

Virtual Conference, Hackathon, 80+ Events

Virtual Conference, Hackathon, 80+ Events

Virtual Conference, Hackathon, 50+events

Virtual Conference, Hackathon, 80+ Events

Open Data & Open Infrastructure
Summit 2023

Open Data & Open Infrastructure
Summit 2023

Open Data & Open Infrastructure
Summit 2023

Open Data & Open Infrastructure
Summit 2023

Open Data & Open Infrastructure
Summit 2023

OpenD/I is a dedicated global initiative to bring together brilliant minds in the tech industry to build open data and open infrastructures that will be pivotal in shaping the next 10-20 years.

OpenD/I is a dedicated global initiative to bring together brilliant minds in the tech industry to build open data and open infrastructures that will be pivotal in shaping the next 10-20 years.

OpenD/I is a dedicated global initiative to bring together brilliant minds in the tech industry to build open data and open infrastructures that will be pivotal in shaping the next 10-20 years.

OpenD/I is a dedicated global initiative to bring together brilliant minds in the tech industry to build open data and open infrastructures that will be pivotal in shaping the next 10-20 years.

What is

What is

What is

Today a handful of corporations control 90% of the world's data and IT infrastructure and we are expected to trust them. OpenD/I is a non-profit initiative and a dedicated tech summit that will bring together a global convergence of innovators, thinkers, and change-makers in the tech industry. This event aims to bring awareness of the significance and urgencies around concentrated power over our data, and the IT infrastructure that will be pivotal in shaping the next 10-20 years of our society. 

In the past, Information asymmetry has led to social inequality, scandals, polarization, and corruption. Often, it has even led to war. Centralized data control is a potential chokepoint for innovation, privacy concerns, and a bottleneck for the free flow of data.

Today a handful of corporations control 90% of the world's data and IT infrastructure and we are expected to trust them. OpenD/I is a non-profit initiative and a dedicated tech summit that will bring together a global convergence of innovators, thinkers, and change-makers in the tech industry. This event aims to bring awareness of the significance and urgencies around concentrated power over our data, and the IT infrastructure that will be pivotal in shaping the next 10-20 years of our society. 

In the past, Information asymmetry has led to social inequality, scandals, polarization, and corruption. Often, it has even led to war. Centralized data control is a potential chokepoint for innovation, privacy concerns, and a bottleneck for the free flow of data.

The Bigger Picture

We picture a world where data is out in the open, decentralized and benefits everyone; not just a chosen few. This isn't solely about technology, but rather shaping the next 10-20 years of the internet, preserving democracy, and ensuring a free flow of information for generations to come.

We picture a world where data is out in the open, decentralized and benefits everyone; not just a chosen few. This isn't solely about technology, but rather shaping the next 10-20 years of the internet, preserving democracy, and ensuring a free flow of information for generations to come.

Event Highlights

Event Highlights

Event Highlights

Join us for a 3-day event featuring over 50 experts from the fields of data, cloud, infrastructure, smart contracts, blockchain, fintech, gaming, AI, and security. Learn from the brightest minds, network with peers, attend keynotes, engage in panel discussions, participate in office hours, explore tech collaboration opportunities, and discover rapid recruitment sessions. Connect, learn, and engage — it's all happening here!

Join us for a 3-day event featuring over 50 experts from the fields of data, cloud, infrastructure, smart contracts, blockchain, fintech, gaming, AI, and security. Learn from the brightest minds, network with peers, attend keynotes, engage in panel discussions, participate in office hours, explore tech collaboration opportunities, and discover rapid recruitment sessions. Connect, learn, and engage — it's all happening here!

Join us for a 3-day event featuring over 50 experts from the fields of data, cloud, infrastructure, smart contracts, blockchain, fintech, gaming, AI, and security. Learn from the brightest minds, network with peers, attend keynotes, engage in panel discussions, participate in office hours, explore tech collaboration opportunities, and discover rapid recruitment sessions. Connect, learn, and engage — it's all happening here!

20 - 22 Nov

20 - 22 Nov

20 - 22 Nov

OpenD/I Summit

OpenD/I Summit

OpenD/I Summit

22 Nov

22 Nov

22 Nov

After Party

After Party

20 Nov - 18 Dec

20 Nov - 18 Dec

20 Nov - 18 Dec

OPEN Hackathon

OPEN Hackathon

OPEN Hackathon

22 Dec

22 Dec

22 Dec

OPEN Hack Winners

OPEN Hack Winners

OPEN Hack Winners




Insightful topics


Hackathon Challenges




Side Events



Keynotes & Panels

Keynotes & Panels

Learn, inspire & engage directly with top industry leaders, entrepreneurs, regulators, and developers to grasp the next decade's tech trends.

Learn, inspire & engage directly with top industry leaders, entrepreneurs, regulators, and developers to grasp the next decade's tech trends.

Networking Hubs

Networking Hubs

Forge powerful connections and expand your network with innovators, developers, product managers, startups, web3 protocols, regulators, and academics.

Forge powerful connections and expand your network with innovators, developers, product managers, startups, web3 protocols, regulators, and academics.

Product Launches

Product Launches

See groundbreaking product demonstrations of the latest technology in the data, cloud, infrastructure, smart contract, AI, and gaming industries.

See groundbreaking product demonstrations of the latest technology in the data, cloud, infrastructure, smart contract, AI, and gaming industries.



Vision, Mission & Responsibility


In order to preserve a democratized society, data infrastructure should be open and easily accessible to the general public, with no barriers to entry and without much interference from regulations, governments, and/or corporations.


To educate, raise awareness and unite pioneers, entrepreneurs, innovators, policymakers and change-makers to push for an open, decentralized web. Global issues demand global collaboration. Together, we can shape a democratic tech future.

Getting the design right

It's important for us to get the design right. Technology is moving so fast and we need to build technologies responsibly. Nurturing innovation and growth while safeguarding what is most important to humanity is crucial for securing a better future.

Vision, Mission & Responsibility


In order to preserve a democratized society, data infrastructure should be open and easily accessible to the general public, with no barriers to entry and without much interference from regulations, governments, and/or corporations.


To educate, raise awareness and unite pioneers, entrepreneurs, innovators, policymakers and change-makers to push for an open, decentralized web. Global issues demand global collaboration. Together, we can shape a democratic tech future.

Getting the design right

It's important for us to get the design right. Technology is moving so fast and we need to build technologies responsibly. Nurturing innovation and growth while safeguarding what is most important to humanity is crucial for securing a better future.

Vision, Mission & Responsibility


In order to preserve a democratized society, data infrastructure should be open and easily accessible to the general public, with no barriers to entry and without much interference from regulations, governments, and/or corporations.


To educate, raise awareness and unite pioneers, entrepreneurs, innovators, policymakers and change-makers to push for an open, decentralized web. Global issues demand global collaboration. Together, we can shape a democratic tech future.

Getting the design right

It's important for us to get the design right. Technology is moving so fast and we need to build technologies responsibly. Nurturing innovation and growth while safeguarding what is most important to humanity is crucial for securing a better future.

3 Day Virtual Event

3 Day Virtual Event

3 Day Virtual Event

Learn & Connect

Join us for a 3-day virtual event featuring 50+ experts in data, cloud, infrastructure, smart contracts, blockchain, fintech, gaming, AI, and security. Learn from top minds, network, and attend panels, AMA office hours, rapid recruitment sessions and explore projects. Connect, learn, engage – it's all here!

Join us for a 3-day virtual event featuring 50+ experts in data, cloud, infrastructure, smart contracts, blockchain, fintech, gaming, AI, and security. Learn from top minds, network, and attend panels, AMA office hours, rapid recruitment sessions and explore projects. Connect, learn, engage – it's all here!







Keynotes & Panel Talks

Keynotes & Panel Talks

Keynotes & Panel Talks

Hear valuable perspectives and insights from transformative leaders.
Hear valuable perspectives and insights from transformative leaders.

Engage directly with top industry leaders, entrepreneurs, regulators, and developers and grasp the next decade's tech trends.

Engage directly with top industry leaders, entrepreneurs, regulators, and developers and grasp the next decade's tech trends.









Tech Collaboration

Tech Collaboration

Tech Collaboration

Product Launches

Product Launches

Product Launches




Covering a Wide Variety of Topics

Covering a Wide Variety of Topics

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Web3 Infrastructure

Web3 Infrastructure

On-chain Queries

On-chain Queries

Open Data

Open Data

Blockchain Gaming

Blockchain Gaming

Decentralized Oracles

Decentralized Oracles

Data Cloud

Data Cloud



Data Mesh

Data Mesh

Data Cloud

Data Cloud

Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code



Infrastructure Automation

Infrastructure Automation

DevOps 2.0

DevOps 2.0

NoSQL Database Systems

NoSQL Database Systems

Network Virtualization

Network Virtualization

Serverless Computing

Serverless Computing

Database Security

Database Security



Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Zero Knowledge

Zero Knowledge



Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts

Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge Graphs

Data Lakes

Data Lakes

LLM (Language Model)

LLM (Language Model)

Decentralized Identity

Decentralized Identity

Data Governance

Data Governance

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics

Data Virtualization

Data Virtualization

Machine Learning

Machine Learning





Responsible AI

Responsible AI

Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical Dilemmas



Interested in Becoming a Speaker?

Play a vital role in the Open Data and Infrastructure movement by sharing your expertise.

OpenD/I Hackathon

OpenD/I Hackathon

Join the largest hackathon for open data and open infrastructure!

Join the largest hackathon for open data and open infrastructure!

Join the largest hackathon for open data and open infrastructure!

Join the largest hackathon for open data and open infrastructure!

On-chain Query Execution for Blockchain Applications.
On-chain Query Execution for Blockchain Applications.
On-chain Query Execution for Blockchain Applications.

#SmartContracts, #On-chainData, #Ethereum, #QuerySmartContracts

Up to $5,000

Bounties & Crypto

Data Validation & Time Stamping Contest.
Data Validation & Time Stamping Contest.
Data Validation & Time Stamping Contest.

#DataVerification, #DataValidation, #Cryptography, #ZK, #Consensus

Up to $5,000

Bounties & Crypto

Constructing Data Cloud Infrastructure Challenge.
Constructing Data Cloud Infrastructure Challenge.
Constructing Data Cloud Infrastructure Challenge.

#Infrastructure, #DevOps, #EndToEnd, #DataProcessing, #Streaming, #API

Up to $5,000

Bounties & Crypto

Explore Open Projects

In the journey towards a decentralized world, collaboration platforms must advance to focus on transparency, fairness, and efficiency. Join our dynamic community of creators and become a Verified Contributor to help pioneer the future of open data infrastructure.

Engage & Empower

Enter the realm of open data and infrastructure. Collaborate with tech pioneers, startups, academics, and regulators. Envision a digital landscape where data and IT infrastructures are open, decentralized, and benefit many, not just a few people. Join the mission today.

Enter the realm of open data and infrastructure. Collaborate with tech pioneers, startups, academics, and regulators. Envision a digital landscape where data and IT infrastructures are open, decentralized, and benefit many, not just a few people. Join the mission today.

Openmesh Core

Openmesh is designed to collect, cryptographically store, process, and stream data for anyone, anywhere, anytime, without registration, licensing, or payments. Think of Openmesh as the internet's open data fabric, safeguarding billions of global transactions, historical records, and other essential data making it available to anyone.

Openmesh is designed to collect, cryptographically store, process, and stream data for anyone, anywhere, anytime, without registration, licensing, or payments. Think of Openmesh as the internet's open data fabric, safeguarding billions of global transactions, historical records, and other essential data making it available to anyone.


Openmesh isn't just a network; it's a platform and an ecosystem. Openmesh is committed to decentralization, data sovereignty, and unedited access to information.

Openmesh isn't just a network; it's a platform and an ecosystem. Openmesh is committed to decentralization, data sovereignty, and unedited access to information.

Join our ecosystem to build open data infrastructure for web3 without a middleman

Join our ecosystem to build open data infrastructure for web3 without a middleman

Join our ecosystem to build open data infrastructure for web3 without a middleman

Join Openmesh Network

The Openmesh Experts Network (OEN) is the core of Openmesh Experts (OEs). This vibrant community combines expertise with collaboration, driving innovation in the Openmesh ecosystem. Together, we champion an open and decentralized future.

Developers & Products

Devoted developers and product designers are the driving force behind innovation. Join our mission and open-source movement to contribute, innovate, and participate in a variety of projects. Together, we cultivate a realm of creativity and boundless collaboration.

Community Members

Community is the foundation of our movement. Every member is crucial in steering our direction. Join Openmesh to amplify collaboration, innovation, governance, and drive change. Together, let's mold a brighter, inclusive future.


We believe in the power of collaboration. If you are a potential Blockchain Protocol, Web3 Startup or DAO, Vendor, Service Provider, Open Source Foundation, or Academia, learn about our current tech partners and join us in our mission to decentralize data infrastructure.